Sunday, October 21, 2007

Enchanted Forest - October 20, 2007

On our Saturday outing we visited a pristine forest right in the heart of this city of 500,000 people. The forest seemed to go on and on with no evidence that there was a city surrounding it.

Concrete evidence that Fairies have definitely been here! (There are little fairy dolls and statues all over Germany and Paris.)

We found the "little house in the big woods."

Tracy took this picture. Doesn't it look like it came right out of Fern Gully? Aren't the many colors amazing? We knew there had to be fairies everywhere; they were just hiding very well!

**Check out Sept. 8 and 17 for new updates to the previous posts.


Whitney said...

I LOVE the mushroom photo. I've always had some strange obsession with mushrooms. wierd i know. I guess it just reminds me of gnomes and things like that. That whole idea mushrooms, gnomes etc. also is something that I've always associated with Germany in my mind. ha.

Christiansens said...

We thought you'd like the mushrooms, Whitney. (hee, hee)

Koi said...

Love the "Shrooms!" It would have been hard for me to keep from destroying them though. I love to kick their little tops on the rare occasion they grow in my yard. Not because I don't like them, I just think it's fun to do.

Christiansens said...

Koe, You all look great in your Halloween photo. Have you been working out?