Friday, August 31, 2007

Our apartment, soon to be old apartment.

ok so first there's our apartment. tiny right? (tracy speaking) i don't even have a bedroom! but we're moving into a bigger place today!! and it has a bigger fridge and everything. it will be great, and i have my own bedroom! then after our apartment pictures, there is me and mom, who have no full length mirror so we have resorted to taking pictures. and the last two are of us getting lost, trying to find an ikea to buy a full length mirror at. yes that was an adventure, stranded in the middle of who knows where in germany! we rode the train for like a half hour away from our house, and wound up at some random office buildings out in the middle of nowhere, come to find out ikea really was there, just about a mile away from where we were, so we are going to try to find it today. Mom "needs" a full length mirror. but it would be pretty good to have one. but we're getting excited for Whit to come out! and then we're off to Denmark! yes! ok, come visit! hurry!!!


Koi said...

Hey, bummer you couldn't find Ikea. I freakin' love that store! I hope you are having the time of your life. See plenty of sites for me since I will never get a chance to go there before I die. I'm afraid to fly over the ocean. Go check out my blog.
Love ya!

Whitney said...

I can imagine how rough life must be with out a full legnth mirror. I'm totally excited to come out. I've got your "cell number" so I'll just call if delayed but we're going to have a grand ol time! SOoOOoOoO excited. Good Job to tracy and mom who are turning into real chermans... (ie. the tuxedo vest/apron get-up) ha! I like it.

KellySummer said...

and a reminder to tracy, i want you to dress me. i love your outfit. for christmas i want tracy to buy me a new wardrobe, ok? :)

oh, and sweet bedrooms.

and good luck with the rock melting dad. make some new scientific laws!